Monday, May 9, 2011

Gallery Wall Inspiration - Part 1

William Georgis and Richard Marsha - Elle Decor, March 2008*

I've been considering a wall of art behind the television. Maybe in addition to stripes, maybe not.... Are you ever indecisive, but determined to move forward at the same time? That's where I am now. 

The thing about gallery walls... they typically take some planning.  I've been perusing some saved photos for inspiration and found an a-ma-zing resource on flickr that may help if you're considering the idea.  Here are a few highlights in Part 1 of 2: Mixing it up (Combining Various Frame Finishes).  I think these are trickier than sticking with one style and frame color, but the payoff is incredible.
Let's begin.  Interesting mix here. The portrait, sketch, and old photographs make it seem collected over time, but the graphic yellow print keeps it modern.

Domino, March 2009*

All the prints here are pretty simple, and the white matting keeps it light.
Beale-Lana console, Manhattan residence*

When you have a serious collection of art, this happens.
Jonathan Adler - Elle Decor, May 2005*

A couple of clocks and a small sunburst mirror are incorporated into this gallery wall of small prints and photos, while sleek white and black frames play beside ornate antique frames.  (Pssst... You had me at turquoise.) 

Here's another example of mixing frame finishes.  In this one, howevah (that isn't a typo, it's just how I'm saying it today: "howev-ah"), all the frame styles are fairly sleek.
Ashley Putman - Lonny, April/May 2010*
Such a captivating mix in this room.  They even  incorporated antlers into this wall. (The real ones aren't for me.  No ma'am.  But everything plays so well together... the chandelier, bust, gold and natural frames...)

Gary Spain -

Awesomeness.  And it would not be the same without the silhouette wall hanging.
Tory Mellot's Desk - Domino, May 2006

*All images above via mscott218's "Gallery Walls" set on flickr.
The photo below didn't come from the resource listed above.  In fact, I've shown it before.  See how she included two unframed pieces (wrapped canvas paintings, I believe) amongst the framed art for an equally chic look?

Sara Tuttle's apartment, via High Gloss Magazine
 Part 2 Coming Soon!

Anyone have experience creating gallery walls?  Words of wisdom? Like the eclectic look of combining finishes, or prefer a sleeker presentation with one frame color?

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