I had a couple of fairly clever post titles that played on the word "succulent". Fortunately, I allowed the hubs to convince me they were semi-inappropriate or potentially offensive. :) So I'm creating a new word. Succsies. "Succulents", without that annoying third syllable. Who needed that last syllable, anyway?
I literally dreamed of succsies a couple of nights ago. Bright green succsies, purple succsies, droopy succsies and plump succsies. All just a-floatin' around in my dream-noggin'. Probably because I bought two succsies in the last few weeks and am probably going to make a....
okay, I can't keep this goin all day... succulent garden for the dining room table. I did a
little pinning and also found some google-inspiration last night.
Here a few inspiring succulent arrangements.
This vertical wall art takes my breath away.
vertical succulent wall art - via etsy |
Can you believe these huge succulent orbs? Stunning.
This lush arrangement of succulents trim a staircase throughout the warm summer months. During the summer, they move the plants (which are tucked into soil-filled chicken-wire frames) to a heated green house.
I saw this centerpiece first a couple of years ago, and now I always keep my eyes peeled for some lovely goblets like these.
I've searched for the original source. The earliest source I can find is here. |
These succulents are planted in a recycled flour sifter. So charming.
And last but not least. I must have these.
I must have these. But they're $300. If you have the cash and no self control, go do the damage
man and woman head vases / planters - photo via oh joy |
Are you a fan of succulents? Have you found a favorite spot or two in your home, or a unique way to style them? Or are you new to the idea, but thinking of giving them a try?
If you
don't like them, you
succsies. (There, I fit it in somehow, ha!).
- Erin